

Revision as of 11:12, 22 August 2013 by Sanakht (Talk | contribs)

Iron coli project



Age: 23 years old


2013-2014: Engineering school: Superior Institute of Biosciences of Paris.
2012-2013: Licence 3 (L3) section biology option cell biology and physiology (BCP): University of Evry Val d'Essonne (genopole).
2010-2012: University Diploma of Technology section Biological Engineering (GB) option engineering environment (GE): Faculty of Cergy-Pontoise, Val-d'Oise.

Professional Experience:
April-June 2012 Realization of an internship of the end of the DUT at the INRA on the genetics of fruit and vegetables. Summer 2011 Execution of an optional internship at the Pasteur Institute on the plasticity of the bacterial genome. Summer 2012 Laboratory Technician in the cement industry of Auneau. Chemically tested cements arriving in the factory.