

Revision as of 11:13, 22 August 2013 by Sanakht (Talk | contribs)

Iron coli project



Age: 23 years old


2013-2014: Engineering school: Superior Institute of Biosciences of Paris.
2012-2013: Licence 3 (L3) section biology option cell biology and physiology (BCP): University of Evry Val d'Essonne (genopole).
2010-2012: University Diploma of Technology section Biological Engineering (GB) option engineering environment (GE): Faculty of Cergy-Pontoise, Val-d'Oise.

Professional Experience:

April-June 2012: Realization of an internship of the end of the DUT at the INRA on the genetics of fruit and vegetables.
Summer 2011: Execution of an optional internship at the Pasteur Institute on the plasticity of the bacterial genome.
Summer 2012: Laboratory Technician in the cement industry of Auneau. Chemically tested cements arriving in the factory.