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iGEM does not only include the synthetic biology project itself, also the promotion of synthetic biology is an important part of the competition. Since we think that synthetic biology is an unknown field of science to the general public, we made the Synthetic Facts fact-check webpage. Furthermore we did several other things for outreach, which are listed below.


Kennislink wanted to start publishing more about synthetic biology, so we were contacted by a journalist who wrote an article about iGEM and our project. In this interview, we also mentioned our Synthetic Facts webpage, what it includes and what the intention was of setting up such a webpage.


Since our research is quite innovative, we contacted the magazine that brings the news of everything that is related to Eindhoven University of Technology. We had an interview with them in which we talked about iGEM is, our project and the potential of our new application, and last but not least our Synthetic Facts (fact-check) webpage. Check out the [ publication]!

iGEM Netherlands

The iGEM teams within the Netherlands have put their heads together to benefit from each other’s work under the banner of “iGEM Netherlands”. The goals of the organization include creating an environment in which supervisors and previous iGEMers share their knowledge and experiences with the new Dutch iGEM teams, as well as establishing a channel for discussion of ideas and exchange of knowledge and bricks. This initiative aims to improve the research quality and collaboration between Dutch universities participating on the iGEM competition, teaching the iGEM ideals to the new iGEMers and providing feedback on the human practices and safety measures. In this manner, the teams will be better prepared to tackle the obstacles they might encounter during the iGEM competition.

In order to implement the objectives of this initiative, a series of start-up courses were organized by iGEM Netherlands in a sequential order, presenting topics that ranged from a general introduction to iGEM and its role in promoting synthetic biology, advanced cloning techniques and modeling. Furthermore, a project presentation afternoon was organized in order for teams to present their projects to the other teams and get feedback from them. This event was finalized with a delicious BBQ.

iGEM Netherlands is the first of its kind, where a collaborative effort has been established on a national scale within the context of iGEM. This has been very beneficial in boosting our projects towards success with the knowledge that we have gained during the start-up courses and activities that have been organized. This type of collaboration would be beneficial to other iGEM teams as well, should they choose to do so.