Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/July/3


Revision as of 14:08, 22 September 2013 by Nad' (Talk | contribs)
colonies Normal concentration High concentration
Fnr in plasmid PSB1C3

We picked up 4 colonies for further test (2 include FNR+plasmid in PSB1C3 and 2 from the control)

Primer and PCR

VF2, VR, Pfnr_up, Pfnr_down are 4 primes that we used for plasmid restriction. The primers, if the promoter fnr entre the plasmid successfully will amplify 3 sub-pieces with specific size. They are VF/VR, VF/Pfnr_down, Pfnr_up/VR.


So we had prepared 4(colonies)*3(amplification) = 12 PCR tubes.

  • Dream Taq(5µg/µl):2µl
  • Buffer (Dream Taq) 10X:10µl
  • dNTP:2µl
  • Primer (F/R;F/fnr_R;fnr_F/R):2µl+2µl
  • H2O:82µl
  • Total:100µl (volume for 4 tubes, so 25µl for each)

PCR programe


The PCR products was put on a gel of agarose 1.5% with BET (1.5%), migrated during 30 min at 100V. the picture analysis was be delayed to the next day.

Culture confirmation

We performed another colonies seeding. 2 colonies selected from each Petri dish were seeded in liquid medium with their corresponding antibiotic at 37°C under stirring during 1 night.


Notebook : July 1

Lab work

A - Aerobic/Anaerobic regulation system

Objective : obtaining Bba_K1155000

1 - Colony PCR of Bba_K1155000, Bba_I732017, Bba_K592009

Abdou, Sheng, Zhou

Tranformation of 07/02/13 works. We will do a Colony PCR of colonies.

Colonies count :

  • Standard concentration :
    • Bba_K1155000 : 0
  • High concentration :
    • Bba_K1155000 : 2


Primer and PCR

VF2, VR, Pfnr_up, Pfnr_down are four oligos that we used for plasmid amplification. We used tree combinaisons VF/VR, VF/Pfnr_Down, Pfnr_Up/VR. If the promoter Pfnr insert PSB1C3 plasmid successfully, tree fragments with specific size will be amplified.


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