Team:INSA Toulouse/contenu/lab practice/results


Revision as of 19:05, 3 October 2013 by Nthpham (Talk | contribs)





General Inducer

Blue Light Sensor

Red Light Sensor


Logic Gates


T7 Polymerase


In vitro

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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In vivo

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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In vitro

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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In vivo

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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Red Light Sensor

In vitro


Characterize the red light sensor system using Cph8 with its promoter pOmpc. Reminder: in darkness, the EnvZ histidine kinase of Cph8 phosphorylates endogenous OmpR, a transcription factor which activates transcription from the OmpC promoter. Under red light conditions, the activity of the EnvZ histidine kinase domain is inhibited, impeaching transcription from the downstream sequence.


The following construction was designed:

Cph8 gene was under the control of the pTet promoter, the general inducer system to mimic the real behavior of the red light sensor system in the E. calculus design ( The transformed strain was supposed to express the modified RFP while in the dark. In red light conditions, expression was supposedly promoted, except when aTc was added in the media.


We obtain the previous construction to characterize the red light sensor system.

Used parts are available here:
- Strong promoter and strong rbs
- Ho1
- PcyA
- TetR
- pOmpC promoter
- rfp
- ptet
- Cph8


We succeeded in cloning the construction, but did not characterize it due to lack of time. The final biobrick must be used in an E. coli deficient in wild-type EnvZ. The delta EnvZ strain was obtained from the Paris Bettencourt team and has been already described by many other iGEM projects.

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Blue Light Sensor

In vitro

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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In vivo

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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Pol T7

In vitro

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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In vivo

Description des conditions d'expérimentation

In vitro recombinase characterization protocol

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General inductor

In vivo

The couple TetR-pTet system construction is a first step to characterize the entire system. A constitutive promoter (BBa_J23116) was assemble to tetR and then assemble to pTet-rbs-RFP-term (Bba_I13521). pTet is a regulator constitutively ON that expresses the mRFP1 protein. TetR is an inducer that binds to pTet promoter and thus, represses expression the downstream system. Supply of tetracycline or its analog aTc (anhydrotetracycline) is known to bind to tetR and invert the operation (inhibits expression of mRFP in this case).

After 18 hours, clones containing this assembly (BBa_J23116-TetR-pTet-RFP) show a leaky basal expression of mRFP. We suppose that the promoter was too weak to express TetR in large quantity. Assembly of a stronger promoter could improve the system and lock the response to an ON/OFF response.

Besides, an experience was done to analyze the effect of the aTc inducer. Result show a visible induction of the red fluorescent protein expression by addition of aTC (60 ng/mL).

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