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Characterization: Results


Characterization of Theophylline Riboswitch (BBa_K411003)

We choose BBa_K411003, a typical riboswitch used by many iGEM teams, to be our first riboswitch to be standardized, which was firstly designed by iGEM10_NYMU-Taipei and has been tested by ZJU_China 2012.

ZJU-Standardization 1.2.jpg

Fig 1.1 shows how the whole GFP Change Rate(GCR) changes at different time and under different concentration. Initially, the culture induced by 0.5M Theophylline has the largest whole GCR. And almost every culture’s GCR experiences decrement along time.

ZJU-Standardization 1.3.jpg

Fig 1.2 GFP Change Rate versus Concentration at 100 minutes after Theophylline was added.

Input compatibility of 411003.png

Fig 1.3 Input Compatibility of K411003

It can be easily observed that the riboswitch’s response to Theophylline is much stronger than to the analogs of theophylline ,including diprophylline, cocaine, caffeine, hypoxanthine and xanthine.

Characterization of Atrazine Riboswitch (BBa_K1054008)

Our second choice to be standardized is Atrazine Riboswitch.

Static of Atrazine.png

Fig 2.1 Static Performance of Atrazine Riboswitch

ZJU-Standardization 2.1.jpg

Fig 2.2 Graphic Model about how RFU/OD changes at different time and different concentration of Atrzine.

Characterization of Theophylline Riboswitch 2 (BBa_K1054022 )

Various mechanisms about how the aptamer response to inducer have been discovered and we find out a special riboswitch ,which acts differently from K411003.

Static of Theo(Helix Spin).png

Fig 3.1 Static Performance of Theophylline Riboswitch 2.

Dynamic of Theo Helix Spin.png

Fig 3.2 Graphic Model about how GFP/OD changes at different time and different concentration of Theophylline.

Data Analysis

Theoretically, data processing should consist of two stages including Processing and Calibration, respectively. Lacking enough time and equipment, we cannot finish the Calibration part-which is about to find out the relation about OD600 versus the number of cells and RFU versus mass of GFP-before wiki freeze . Here comes the Processing Part:

(1).Subtract the backgrounds from the raw data



(2).Calculate the RFU of per unit, P


(3).Calculate the whole RFU change rate, S



If given more time, we may be able to measure the relation between OD and the number of cells AND RFU and mass of GFP, and thus we can calculate the PoPS, which is more accurate and suitable to describe the action of engineered devices.

Limited by our time and resources, it is impossible for us to standardize all the riboswitches. Any teams or individuals are warmly welcomed to enrich our riboswitch standardization library.