Team:Paris Bettencourt/Project/Sabotage/Model

Synthetic biology relies on the addition of foreign genetic elements into organisms for their manipulation. This has the advantage to introduce orthogolous systems, avoiding many unwanted interactions with the organism's own processes citep{Guttinger2013}. However, every introduced system will consume cell's resources and compete for the molecular machinery responsible of replication (DNA level), transcription (RNA level), and translation (protein level). In case the device provides no direct benefit for the organism, the burden of the device will lead to a decrease in growth rate, and therefore a lower fitness citep{Shachrai2010}.
One way to avoid out-competition by lower growth rate is by horizontal transfer. Here we will study the behavior of a the phagemid/helpel system, which is a derived from from the non-lytic bacteriophage M13. This systems propagate throught E. coli F+ via two vectors: a phagemid carrying the desired device, and a helper carrying the necessary machinery for production of the bacteriophage. Only when both vectors are present in a cell, this will produce bacteriophage (see figure 1). Furthermore the system is designed such that the phagemid is produced in higher abundance than the helper.