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Iron coli project

Week 9: 12th August - 18th August


Using the TECAN analysis, we are measuring the capacity of repression of the natural binding site that we extract from the E.coli's genome.

Preculture with M9 medium (with carbenicillin) have been launched for BL21 transformed with our 1st construction:

  • Natural Fur Binding Site of Fec A + sfGFP (clone 1, 2, 3)
  • Natural Fur Binding Site of Fep A + sfGFP (clone 1, 2, 3)
  • Natural Fur Binding Site of Ace B + sfGFP (clone 1, 2, 3)

Note: Preculture have been made in M9 medium with iron in oder to inhibit the expression of sfGFP.

After one night of culture, time the precultures have been refreshed by diluting them 200 times in M9 medium (with iron and carbenicillin).

After 8 hours of culture, the 96 wells plate has been prepare (see following scheme).


2nd construction

Sequencing preparation

Preculture with LB medium (with carbenicillin) have been launched for Top10 transformed with our 2nd construction, then minipreps have been realized using the miniprep kit from Machrey Nagel.

Name Clone Concentration 260/280 260/230

Fur Binding Site n°1
(with sfGFP)

1 50.7 ng/µL 1.62 0.68
2 21.1 ng/µL 1.69 0.44
3 21.6 ng/µL 1.20 0.13
4 70.8 ng/µL 1.66 0.72

Fur Binding Site n°2
(with sfGFP)

1 39.1 ng/µL 1.23 0.40
2 25.1 ng/µL 1.37 0.29
3 61.1 ng/µL 1.57 0.71
4 54.7 ng/µL 1.62 0.68

Fur Binding Site n°3
(with sfGFP)

2 38.4 ng/µL 1.84 0.78
3 114.6 ng/µL 1.66 0.78
4 39.2 ng/µL 1.87 1.21

Fur Binding Site n°5
(with sfGFP)

1 77.7 ng/µL 1.76 0.99
3 78.4 ng/µL 1.61 0.81
4 72.7 ng/µL 1.85 4.23

Fur Binding Site n°6
(with sfGFP)

1 70.4 ng/µL 1.76 2.16
2 91.5 ng/µL 1.55 1.21
3 65.4 ng/µL 1.70 1.52
4 85.6 ng/µL 1.72 1.65

Fur Binding Site n°7
(with sfGFP)

1 53.5 ng/µL 1.76 1.93
2 77.6 ng/µL 1.69 1.22
3 72.3 ng/µL 1.68 1.22

Fur Binding Site n°8
(with sfGFP)

1 73.9 ng/µL 1.58 0.84
2 51.3 ng/µL 1.75 1.10
3 45.9 ng/µL 1.85 1.43
4 46.1 ng/µL 1.88 1.61

Fur Binding Site n°9
(with sfGFP)

1 108.3 ng/µL 1.78 1.37
2 67.0 ng/µL 1.88 1.61
3 103.5 ng/µL 1.87 1.79
4 28.2 ng/µL 2.06 1.76

Fur Binding Site n°10
(with sfGFP)

1 29.5 ng/µL 1.95 1.22
2 70.0 ng/µL 1.90 1.67
3 46.0 ng/µL 1.89 1.62
4 55.8 ng/µL 1.88 1.44

Fur Binding Site n°11
(with sfGFP)

1 55.3 ng/µL 1.85 1.49
2 87.1 ng/µL 1.81 1.37
3 57.7 ng/µL 1.84 1.44
4 21.7 ng/µL 2.06 1.20

Fur Binding Site n°15
(with sfGFP)

1 16.2 ng/µL 2.13 1.20
3 47.4 ng/µL 1.78 1.16
4 63.2 ng/µL 1.78 1.16

Note: Fur Binding Sites n°4, 12, 13 and 14 are missing.

3rd construction

Sequencing preparation

Preculture with LB medium (with carbenicillin) have been launched for Top10 transformed with our plasmid which contains the sfGFP under the control of Lac O promoter. After one night of culture minipreps of 3 different clones have been realized using the miniprep kit from Machrey Nagel.

Clone Concentration 260/280 260/230
1 25.7 ng/µL 2.02 2.29
2 27.0 ng/µL 2.09 1.78
3 79.7 ng/µL 1.86 1.60

Golden Gate

A new Golden Gate of our 3rd construction as been made for the two plasmids containing:

  1. Enterobactin biosynthesis genes (Ent A, D and F)
  2. Enterobactin biosynthesis genes (Ent B, C and E)


Miniprep of Plasmid 1A3 with RFP designed for Golden Gates

Top 10 transformed with the plasmid 1A3 designed for Golden Gate have been cultivated into 10 mL of LB medium (with carbenicillin). After an overnight culture, plasmid has been minipreped using the Machrey Nagel kit.

Sample Concentration 260/280 260/230
1 --- ng/µL --- ---
2 --- ng/µL --- ---
3 --- ng/µL --- ---

The plasmid has been diluted as a working solution with a concenration of 80 ng/µL. Then the plasmid has been aliquoted in 50 µL into 9 different tubes.