Team:Evry/pop scale


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Iron coli project


The Enterobactin production model showed us that our bacteria take too much time to produce enterobactins, which disables the flush strategy.
In response, we changed the strategy, by delivering a gel that would block the bacteria in the jejunum.
This model is thus very similar to the flush treatment model, except for the longer time scale, and the computational method.


  • No regulation of the patient's iron absorption
  • Constant iron flow in the intestine
  • Homogeneous fluid
  • The bacterial natural absorption is insignificant compared to the chelation
  • The patient ingests 20mg of iron per day (Guideline Daily Amounts)

Materials and methods

This model is based on cellular automaton algorithm : both the bacteria and the enterobactins are cellular automaton.

Figure 1 : Influence graph.

La figure 1 représente les influences entre les variables d'état du système.
Figure 2 : Graph of bacteria automaton.
Pgrowth Division Probability
Pdeath Death probability
age variable rate of bacteria ageing

La Figure 2 représente l'automate qui modélise la bactérie. Cet automate à deux parties : la production d'enterobactines et la croissance.
The bacteria produces enterobactins. This production is ruled by a activator. Cette activateur est une fonction palier de 0 à 1 avec un seuil Ka fixer grace au modèle du senseur, dont voici l'expression :

Enterobactin chelate iron. For this automoton, we have one rules : One Enterobactin atom can chelate one Iron Ion L'automate est tout de même conditionné par un une probabilité de rencontre :.

Parameters tuning :


Parameter values

Name Value Unit Description Reference
mu 0.2 s-1 Iron absorption rate by the body
IronQuantity0 4.5.10-9 mol-1 Iron pulse value
Sact 10**-9 m Duodenum length [3]
α 0.3 s-1 Duodenum absorption rate tuned
σ 0.72 s-1 Regulation coefficient tuned
