

Revision as of 22:20, 27 September 2013 by Immudzen (Talk | contribs)

We could like to thank the following people for all their hard work and help.

We would like to thank the following labs for donating lab space and usage of equipment for these experiments.

Thanks to all of our advisors

They people did a lot to show us how to use the equipment safely, how to perform the various protocols we needed, where to looking for information and all the support services like ordering DNA sequences from IDT.

  • Faculty Advisor:Robin Dowell D.Sc
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Joe Rokicki
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Mike Brasino
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Rebecca Zabinsky
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Tim Read
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Jennifer Avena
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Alex Stemm-Wolf
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Thomas Reynolds
  • Graduate Student Advisor: Isaac Godfroy

DNA order optimization and ordering

Most of our parts had to be created by IDT in 500 bp blocks that were then gibson assembled.

  • Joe Rokicki: Thanks for ordering the gblocks, designing how the blocks would be assembled along with head and tail sequences and doing a huge amount of work in checking the accuracy of the order and labeling all the features.
  • William Heymann: For writing the MATLAB code used to figure out the sequences that would go in each block to make sure that each piece spanned as few pieces as possible and for codon optimizing all the sequences.

In order to create this order we used the following pieces of software and we wish to thank the creators