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== PhyscoFilter - Clean Water for a Healthy Planet ==
== PhyscoFilter - Clean Water for a Healthy Planet ==
[[File:TUM13 Idee4.png|thumb|right|570px]]
[[File:TUM13 Idee4.png|thumb|right|580px]]
The contamination of aquatic ecosystems with a multitude of poorly degradable hazardous substances by humans has been a problem since the industrial revolution. In the context of biochemical research we learn more and more about enzymes that catalyse the degradation of problematic substance such as antibiotics or hormones.
The contamination of aquatic ecosystems with a multitude of poorly degradable hazardous substances by humans has been a problem since the industrial revolution. In the context of biochemical research we learn more and more about enzymes that catalyse the degradation of problematic substance such as antibiotics or hormones.

Revision as of 19:38, 6 July 2013

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PhyscoFilter - Clean Water for a Healthy Planet

TUM13 Idee4.png

The contamination of aquatic ecosystems with a multitude of poorly degradable hazardous substances by humans has been a problem since the industrial revolution. In the context of biochemical research we learn more and more about enzymes that catalyse the degradation of problematic substance such as antibiotics or hormones.

Due to the huge extent of the underlying problem we propose the employment of transgenic plants, such as the moss Physcomitrella patens, that produce the respective effectors for the degradation. The sedentary, aquatic nature of plants makes them an optimal chassis for a self-renewing and cheap water filter. We believe that this approach can change the global water quality in a sustainable fashion.

Team TU-Munich 2013

First team picture of TU-Munich iGEM team 2013

We, the team for the Technical University of Munich consisting of 11 highly motivated and dedicated undergraduate students. We are students from the subjects Molecular Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering.



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