Our Sensor
Our Sensor
The goal of our project is to design a biosensor to rapidly identify cattle known as super shedders. Super shedders are cattle that excrete extremely large numbers of E.coli O157:H7 a subgroup of E. coli referred to as Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). EHEC organisms produce a toxin called Shiga toxin or verotoxin. This toxin binds to blood cells and lyses them resulting in hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans and can be deadly. Supershedders excrete in the range of 10 7 to 10 10 E. coli O157:H7 exceeding normal cattle by 3-6 logs and can contaminate other cattle in the same holding pen as well as the meat downstream. Super-shedders are thought to be the reason for 95% of the E. coli O157:H7 contamination in the industry.
We are building a DNA-based biosensor that specifically detects the gene called stx2. Our device will be useful for the detection of not only E.coli O157:H7 but also other EHEC strains. Click on the components below to learn more about their design and function. View our animation below to see how the system would actually work!
The FerriTALE System:
As seen in the video above our goal is to develop a strip based assay that can alert us upon detection of pathogenic DNA sequence, namely Stx 2. We will treat our sample collected from the supershedders with a TALE-Ferritin complex (a FerriTALE!). Then this DNA-TALE-Ferritin complex would be flown over our strip which contains the second TALE that recognizes yet another 18-20 bp region on the stx 2 gene. This second TALE will immobilize our DNA-TALE-ferritin complex on the strip. Following immobilization we will add substrate to our strip. Only in the presence of both the EHEC sequences we get a colour change on the strip. If there is only one of the sequences present, the colour change does not occur either due to lack of immobilization or due to lack of presence of a reporter.
![System Elements](
Figure 1. Our system is composed of both an immobile element on the strip that will capture our target DNA and a mobile element that will report the presence of our target DNA.
FerriTALEs: A platform technology
TALEs are modular DNA binding proteins for which the nucleotide binding amino acid code has been solved. Additionally, these DNA binding domains are found in repeat sequences called the repeat variable di-residues (RVDs) that are easy to engineer to design TALEs that bind to practically any sequence of interest.
We also added E and K coils to the registry. These coils are synthetic binding domains that only bind to each other with an extremely high-affinity. Fusing these coils with larger proteins allows the proteins to fold properly because these coils are small and therefore do not interfere with the tertiary structure of the proteins. Fusing these coils with our detector and reporter system allows for easy swapping of the components such that the final system can be customizable.
In addition to adding coils we designed a KasI restriction enzyme site on the 3’ end of the TALEs upstream of the coils in a fusion backbone. Using this backbone other teams can swap in promoter and TALEs of their choice to make their own system.