Team:Paris Saclay/Attributions


Revision as of 17:57, 25 September 2013 by Xiaojing (Talk | contribs)

Each team must clearly attribute work done by the team on this page. They must distinguish work done by the team from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, graduate students, and postgraduate masters students.


Work done by graduate Students of the team



Eric and Sheng : project's bibliography

Abdou, Anaïs and Zhou : experiments during july (cf. the notebook)

Damir, Nadia, Xavier and Xiaojing : experiments during august (cf the notebook)

Human Practice

Eric, Damir, Zhou, Gabriel and Anaïs : presentation of a aspect of the open source

Caroline : Organisation of the Human Practice meetings, writting of the MCE and vivagora articles, writting of the project pool, organisation of the visit of the water treatment plant, writing of the interview of Ellen Jergensen (with Nadia).

Nadia : Writting of the interview of Ellen Jergensen (with Caroline)


Damir, Caroline, Nima, Anais : Sending of 500 emails

Nadia, Anaïs, Xavier : monitoring


Damir : Conception of the wiki

Redaction : All the team !


Caroline : mailing newspapers : Le Point Etudiants, Vivagora, MCE; contacting for the water treatment plant, mailing Bettencourt and Evry's teams to organize a meeting, mailing Ellen Jergensen and biohackers, conception of a part of the poster ...

Facebook : All the Team !


Damir : conception of the PCR machine, conception of the html page, conception of the FNR program.

Article writing by Caroline