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Anders Virtanen

Anders Virtanen is a professor at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and the director of the Uppsala RNA Research Centre (URRC). Anders studies primarily enzymes involved in regulating fate and function of the pletora of RNA molecules in the cell. Another goal is to develop novel antibiotics targeting RNA molecules.


Mikael Nissbeck

PhD student at Uppsala RNA Research Center (URRC), Department of Cell and Molecular biology, at Uppsala University since 2012 and is currently working on the human enzyme Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) in the Anders Virtanen group at the Uppsala Biomedical Center.

Stefan Roos

Stefan Roos is an associate professor at the Department of Microbiology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. Stefan works with genomics, physiology and ecology of probiotic lactobacilli. The primary goals are to understand how those bacteria interact with their host and to design probiotic products with improved activity.

Erik Gullberg

PhD student in Medical Bacteriology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology at Uppsala University since 2009 and is currently working on antibiotic resistance in bacteria in the Dan Andersson group at the Uppsala Biomedical Center. So far he has published articles in PLoS Pathogens and Molecular Microbiology.