Team:Colombia Uniandes/Educative


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Human Practices

Educative axis

In this part of our Human Practices we performed activities focused to promote knowledge about Synthetic Biology and in impact in the society.

We were looking for non-scientific people, like common people in public places and highschool students, with whom we talked about Synthetic Biology, iGEM competition and our projects. We answered their doubts and we listened their opinions.

Educative axis

The activities that we developed in the educative axis of our Human Practices include informative conferences in schools, visits to parks and malls to survey and give information to people among others.

The Activities

Visiting malls in Bogotá D.C.

As scientists, we are very interseted in the difussion of science, in the creation of knwoledge and to educate. With this motivation we were walking down the streets of Bogotá D.C, surronding important malls to talk with common people. We told them about synthetic biology, biotechnology in Colombia, iGEM and our projects. We answered their questions about this topic and we gave them informative flyers with the basic information that anyone interested must know about synthetic biology.

Some pictures of our Human Practices' experience. You can see more pictures like these in our Gallery

See our informative flyer about Nicko:


In addition we did surveys aimed to know the perception or any previous concepts that people had about synthetic biology. We asked them:

Our survey's results

We asked these questions to 40 random people, obtaining very interesting results:

Only one person said "I have heard the term before" when we asked for synthetic biology, and nobody knew iGEM Competition. Everyone had a "good" idea about the science in Colombia, because they belived that research in genetics and genetic engineering is carried out in our contry, but they did not know what exactly is being done.

The things turned more intersting when we asked them "What do you think when you hear "synthetic biology"?" somebody said right words like "new funtions", "artificial life" or "modifications", other people said unrelated words like "disposable" and was surprising heard unexpected words (for us) that too many people repeated, words like "Robots".

Everyone would be agree with drinking water treated with genetic modified bacteria, but only if it is approved by the national institute responsible of the water surveillance.

Probably the most importat fact in this experience was the good attitude which people listened us and their curiosity to know more about synthetic biology and about the colombian participation in iGEM.

Talking with families in a national park


Conferences in Schools
