Kapa PCR
Kapa PCR (for DNA constructions)
Mix (per reaction)
- 5.0µL 5x Kapa Hifi Buffer
- 0.75µL 10mM dNTPs
- 0.75µL Primer Forward
- 0.75µL Primer Reverse
- 0.5µL Kapa Hifi DNA polymerase
- 10 to 50ng of DNA
- ddH2O (deionized water) up to 25µL
- Add the mix to each tube
- Set the following program in the thermocycler:
- Stage 1 (1 cycle): 95°C for 2 to 5 min
- Stage 2 (30 cycles): 98°C for 20 sec, 55°C for 15 sec, 72°C for 1min/kb
- Stage 3 (1 cycle): 72°C for 1 to 5 min
- Hold at 4°C
- Run the products in a agarose gel