Team:ETH Zurich


Revision as of 18:53, 5 September 2013 by Parvathi.m.chandran (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome on the ETH WIKI

- enjoy the website and beware of the mines!


Playing our Colisweeper is based on the same basic rules of the traditional minesweeper. The goal is to dodge the mines on an agar grid that consists of mine and non-mine colonies.
Each colony on the agar mine grid can be one of three of the following cases:

a boring non-mine colony, which if not of much use

a helpful non-mine colony, which tells you how many mines are close around this colony

a dangerous and scary mine colony if played on the game ends and you loose.

As a little helper, you have an option to flag the mine colony - if you are only certain that this colony is a mine

To imitate the "click" of a mouse in the actual computer game, the biological equivalent is to add a substrate to the colony of our choice and that way a reaction is started

Got it all? Take a plate and a pipette and you're ready to sweep, baby!