Team:UANL Mty-Mexico/Posters
Both teams (IGEM-UANL and IGEM-CIDEB) were invited by the “Asociación Estudiantil de Biotecnología Genómica” from the FCB (AsEBioGen) to the poster exposition because of the LBG Week (Genomics and Biotechnology Career Week), celebrated in the central hall of the Faculty, where the projects done were exposed: HuBac y E. cologic as well as Human Practices in the case of the UANL team and Kumus with the CIDEB team.
iGEM Posters Exposed
Poster Exposition
The Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas organized an exposition with posters from different projects about biology topics. This event was performed in April 2012.
Good comments and advices were generated respecting to the works exposed as well as people interested in being part of the IGEM team.