Attributions. Thank You very much!
iGEM Team Heidelberg 2013
Ilia Kats
One of our team members, the secret chief-nerd of our group, Ilia Kats had the initial idea for our project and inspired us all with his dream of easy and fast recycling of gold. He also came up with the concept to exploit the NRPS modularity for setting up the NRPS designer.
Besides all of his brain work Ilia was indispensable for all of the wetlab work for the different sub projects. He was single-handedly responsible for cloning the methylmalonyl-CoA patwhay for the delftibactin project. In the Tyrocidine and indigoidine subproject he was involved in the pilot experiments. And last but not least, his programming skills were essential for the successful implementation of our NRPS-Designer software where he used his supernatural force to eliminate even the toughest bugs.
A big THANK U from the whole team for the inspiration and great humor.
Synthetic Peptides
The main focus of this project was to demonstrate the feasibility of NRPS module shuffling. This was performed by Joshua Sachs, Philipp Walch, Tania Christiansen and Anja Riedel. They established the experimental strategy and designed all corresponding primers needed for the amplification of the different Tyc modules. Tania Christiansen was especially responsible for the BioBrick submission and the cloning of the fragments into the needed RFCs. Anja Riedel took care of the linker variation and Philipp Walch performed the indigoidine-valin and indigoidine-ornithine tags.
Another essential part in the Tyrocidine project was the mass spectrometry of which Joshua Sachs was in charge. The ccdB-construct was generated by Joshua Sachs and Philipp Walch. Everyone in this group contributed to the great success of the project part! Here, we want to thank our advisor Lorenz Adlung who often helped us with his experience which he shared in frequent lab-meetings discussions.
Tag Optimization
Ralf Beer, Konrad Herbst and Nikolaos Ignatiadis designed strategies for the optimization of the Indigoidine Tag, which includes the creation of 58 engineered indigoidine synthetases and the development of a quantitative indigoidine assay. These hard-working fellows did not mind spending 48 hours in a row a the bench, cloning large plasmid libraries and performing hundreds of co-transformations, thus establishing the RFC99. Konrad showed that one can write a script for almost every purpose. He contributed most to the evaluation of the indigoidine assay, the improvement of the Tag Optimization strategy and the RFC99. Nikos was involved in the design of the first constructs and was a great help in the creation of the synthetic T-domains. Ralf focussed on plasmid/primer design and the labwork and was actually considered to be integrated into the NRPS Designer as an alternative sequence based domain prediction tool. But not only the three guys were infected by the blue fever - thanks to Hannah Meyer they always had an advisor at their side with whom they had many creative scientific and even more nonscientific but still creative discussions.
Gold Recycling
The cloning strategies and amplification of the Del cluster were performed and developed by Florian Schmidt, Sophie Rabe, Nils Kurzawa and Johanna Meichsner. The experiments started with the amplification of DelH executed by Johanna Meichsner which turned out to be one of the most challenging parts of our project. Johanna proved to be extremely resilient to recurrent setbacks and her power of endurance gave a great example to the whole team. Florian Schmidt, Sophie Rabe and Nils Kurzawa took care of the plasmid assembly of the other genes from the Del cluster. After DelRest was succesfully amplified, Florian Schmidt and Sophie Rabe worked as well on the assembly of the DelH plasmid. Sophie Rabe was furthermore responsible of proteins assays, delftibactin purification and MICRO-TOF. All of them were extremely dedicated to their work and cloned day and night.
Ilia Kats cloned the pIK8 plasmid and all prior plasmids necessary for the establishment of the methylmalonyl-CoA pathway. He performed all steps of the cloning procedure of these plasmids from primer design up to electroporation and screening.
Here we want to give a special thank you to our advisors Dominik Niopek, Fanny Georgi and Katharina Genreith for their great help in planning the cloning strategies and introducing us to the world of primer design!
The software-team consisted of Konrad Herbst, Ilia Kats, Nikolaos Ignatiadis, Julia Schessner and Nils Kurzawa. They worked together on the implementation of the NRPS-Designer software and the establishment of the respective database. Additionally, Joshua Sachs, Anja Riedel and Philipp Walch contributed to the maintenance of the database. Furthermore, Ilia Kats was administrator of our internal server. All of the people mentioned above worked on our sub-software project iGEM42. The advisors Hannah Meyer and Tim Heinemann helped, not only with the NRPSDesigner, but also with motivating the whole team. A big thanks to Hannah for baking all those cookies and to Tim for helping to eat them!
Wiki Design
Our wiki is uses stylesheets from Bootstrap 3.0 and was implemented by Nils Kurzawa. He wrote the main javascripts and css style sheets used on this wiki. Nils created the main page together with the project pages and all templates. Tania Christiansen was responsible for all the pictures used for the wiki navigation and team pictures. All team members worked together to generate the interface graphics and basic figures in inkskape. Especially Tania Christiansen and Anja Riedel could bring in their talent. Thanks also to our creative advisors Katharina Genreith and Fanny Georgi who came up with many ideas. After the basic implementation Nils received help in the wiki design from Nikolaos Ignatiadis, Ilia Kats and Johanna Meichsner. Important to mention is again Tim Heinemann here for his niggling but always helpful comments.
Human Practice
The entire team worked on our human practice projects. Philipp Walch is a member of the education initiative "Life-Science Lab" and organized the essay competition for the high school students. Philipp Walch, Sophie Rabe and Tania Christiansen presented our project at various events to the interested public together with members of the high school iGEm Team from 2012. Joshua Sachs who volunteers as a fire fighter established the contact with the army which gave us insight in the bioweapons defense program (ABC). Ralf Beer and Konrad Herbst received valuable input from Peptide Specialties Laboratories GmbH. Philipp Walch and Nikos Ignatiadis visited TBM Edelmetall Recycling. Johanna Meichsner introduced us to Dorothea van Aaken, who organizes environmental workshops for primary students. Fanny Georgi organized the contact to Dr. Zawatzky from German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Dominik Niopek introduced us to the science author Olaf Fritsche and Lorenz Adlung, who also writes, got us in contact with Isabel Marleen Pötzsch. Both Dominik Niopek and Lorenz Adlung also helped with the "not invented by nature" collaboration.
BioQuant, University of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Thomas Höfer
Prof. Dr. Thomas Höfer's group provided us a sample of E. coli BL21 (DE3) (pLys).
Thi Bach Nga Ly-Hartig
Nga Ly-Hartig got us in touch with several research groups working with mass spectrometry and supported us with great cupcakes.
Prof. Dr. Robert B. Russel
Prof. Russel supplied us with a vial of E. coli BL21 (DE3).
Dr. Oliver Wichmann
Dr. Wichmann supported us with his equipment especially by allowing us to use his lyophilizer.
Centre for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH), University of Heidelberg
Core Facility for Mass Spectronomy and Proteomics
Dr. Thomas Ruppert and Dr. Bernd Hessling helped us with Mass Spectrometry measurements for the detection of our non-ribosomal peptides.
Dr. Oliver Gruss
The Gruss Lab kindly provided us the E. coli BL21 (DE3) (pLys) strain.
Department of Biochemistry, Philipps-University Marburg
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Marahiel
Prof. Dr. Marahiel kindly provided us with the Brevibacillus parabrevis ATCC 8185 strain and contributed helpful feedback on NRPS and our NRPSDesigner.
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich
Prof. Dr. Martin Fussenegger
Prof. Fussenegger send us the expression plasmids for bpsA and svp, codon optimized for mammalian cells
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Buffalo
Prof. Blaine Pfeifer
Lei Fang from the Pfeifer Lab kindly provided us with the E. coli BAP1 strain and the pLF03 and pKD46 plasmids
ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen), Lancaster University, Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), United Nations University
Dr. Paul Oldham
For kindly supporting us with his expertise in information processing, interpretation of the social aspects of synthetic biology and for sharing his collection of synthetic biology terms with us.
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig
Prof. Herzig and his group kindly offered the possibility to use their electroporator.
Dr. Dirk Nettelbeck
Dr. Nettelbeck, Ph.D.contributed with valuable input on homologous recombination.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Zawatzky
Prof. Zawatzky gave us lots of feedback on safety considerations and ethical concerns.
Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Center for Life Sciences, Boston
Dr. Matthew Mattozzi
Dr. Mattozzi supported us with valuable advice on genomic homologous recombination. Dr. Mattozzi also kindly provided the pET21c-pcc-acc-mmce plasmid. His PhD student Marika Ziesack, kindly introduced us to Gibson Cloning.
Heidelberg Technology Park UniTT Start-Up Centre, University of Heidelberg
Dr. Raoul Haschke
Dr. Haschke opened up new economical perspectives on the possible industrial scale NRP production and theidea to start our own company.
Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Vienna
Dipl.-Ing.Paul Kroll
Mr. Krollcontributed with great scientific input on modelling the industrial scale Delftibactin production in E. coli.
Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Heidelberg
Mass Spectrometry Facility
Prof. Groß kindly provided us with the possibility to use his HR-ESI MS and helped with data analysis.
Institute of Pharmacology and Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB), University of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Christian Klein and Lena Weigel
Prof. Klein kindly allowed us to use the MICRO-TOF of his group. Special thanks to Lena Weigel who helped us with the operation.
Dr. Holger Schäfer
Dr. Schäfer supported us with scientific and moral support during cloning of the Del constructs.
Dr. Richard Wombacher
Marcel Best from Dr. Wombacher's group saved us with the last minute supply of a rotary evaporator!
Peptide Specialties Laboratories GmbH, Heidelberg
Dr. Hans-Richard Rackwitz
Dr. Rackwitz gave us fascinating insights in chemical peptide synthesis and valuable scientific input on our project.
School of Medicine, University of Maryland
Prof. Jacques Ravel, Ph.D.
Professor Jacques Ravel continuously helped us with the automated domain prediction pipeline of the NRPSDesigner software, for example by providing us with seed alignments for the Hidden Markov Models of his own PKS/NRPS analysis tool . He also tested the NRPSDesigner software and gave us valuable feedback.
University Medical Center Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg
Neonate Screening Facility
Dr. Dirk Kohlmüller and Dr. Kathrin Schmidt supported us in amino acid level detection by mass spectrometry.