Plannig the Synthetic Biology Tunnel
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Planning this important event involved a lot of important aspects but the most important was the purpouse which was to spread the meaning of synthetic biology to the public in general with this reaching, teenagers, adults, and even kids and old men.
For the constrution the team worked for 4 large months with 2 official frequencies per week being these ones the Fridays and Sundays. The staff were constructing the exposition 5 hours per day and it was really hard. Som days with cold, other ones with rain but always being a good experience for each one of them.
Aqui van las fotos
Para la edición especial de la exposición realizada en cuatro ciénagas, se realizó una adaptación de cada uno de los módulos del túnel a las aplicaciones que exclusivamente se le pude dar a la biología sintética en esa zona especial. Para eso se realizaron letreros especiales que dependiendo del módulo, se realizaba una descripción como se muestra a continuación:
Topics: - Biotechnology and its applications ( colors )
- The genomic within biotechnology
-Manipulation of genes for process improvement
Activity: Demonstration of an extraction of a banana’s DNA and simulation of genome sequencing.
Topics: - Algae biofuel
-Use of marine organisms for applications in agriculture, industry , health and energy .
Activity: Descriptive cards of several marine organisms and their characteristics , so that they can relate to the application area on a board.
Topics: - Bioremediation
- Biosensors
- Optimization of industrial processes to avoid contamination.
Activity: Simulating a ground bioremediation system using a plastic plant with small magnets on the root, is intended to make a collection of contaminants in the ground.
Topics: -Production of recombinant proteins
- Production of products using microorganisms
Activity: A transparent container simulating a fermenter, a small fan raises a number of papers and Styrofoam balls to simulate products and bacteria , that simulates the production of proteins in bioreactors .
Topics: -Pharmacogenomics
- Application for gene therapy
- The clinical diagnosis and prognosis with bio-markers
- The site manipulation or attack targets malignant cells.
Activity: Using cards in which participants must associate the diseases caused by mutations in a gene on the organ where the disease is generated.
Topics: Topics:
- Transgenic organisms
-Genetic manipulation of plants
- Bacteria that help plants
-Edible Vaccines
Activity: Simulate cells of three different plants for making them transgenic , the participant will create plasmids with pipe cleaners and will launch them to cells for transforming them.
Finally, we thought for being a good scientist is really necessary to know about arts and design too for this kind of situations, and of course to know how to coordinate a lot of people for making things like this possible.